Civil Engineering Provider - Business Fuel Cards

Civil Engineering Provider Cut-down costs and improve reporting on fuel

Northgate teamed up with one of the largest Civil Engineering companies in the UK to cut-down costs and improve their reporting on fuel. Our client specialises in providing multi-disciplinary construction services across much of England and Wales.


Our client had previously partnered with a fuel card provider for several years. Drivers were having to go off route to find petrol stations where their original fuel card was accepted. Office staff also found that the fuel card’s reporting capabilities were cumbersome.


Our client now has a fuel card that is accepted by multiple garages and the number of drivers having to take detours has been greatly reduced. Office staff found that reporting was streamlined with access to the Northgate fuel card’s online account management tool, Velocity.


  • Fully customised hire vans
  • Predictable costs
  • Reduced downtime
  • Professionally branded and liveried vans
  • Breakdown cover

Services Used

  • Green tick iconFlexibility
  • Green tick iconReduced downtime
  • Green tick iconImproving CO2
  • Green tick iconVehicle customisation
  • Green tick iconMobile servicing


Access to a fleet of 50,000
vehicles from manufacturers
when they need it.

Customer Care Van
“…We are very pleased with Northgate’s fuel card and intend to stick with it for the foreseeable future.”

Get in touch

Call us: 0344 947 1710

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