UK Council - Flexible Vehicle Hire

UK Council Caring for drivers and community

Northgate helps UK Council reduce the costs of their fleet, bring down their carbon footprint, and find smarter ways of working.


  • Control costs whilst delivering high quality services to the community.
  • Develop smarter ways of working to improve CO2 emissions and driver safety.


A Flexible Hire solution allowed the Council to replace large-scale capital expenditure with predictable regular payments. Our client can now scale their fleet size up or down as required, helping them meet the sharp fluctuations of seasonal demand and drastically reduce the number of costly unused vans.

With an innovative Telematics solution, the Council has access to real-time information that is key to improving service levels, driver safety, and reducing emissions through efficient job routing and journey planning.


  • Flexibility
  • Telematics
  • Reduced downtime
  • Cost savings
  • Improved CO2
  • Driver safety
  • Vehicle acquisition

Services Used

  • Green tick iconFlexibility
  • Green tick iconReduced downtime
  • Green tick iconImproving CO2
  • Green tick iconVehicle customisation
  • Green tick iconMobile servicing


Access to a fleet of 50,000
vehicles from manufacturers
when they need it.

Customer Care Van
“What I get from Northgate is what it says on the tin. I can work out what it costs me and, for me, it’s the best solution… Northgate are very accommodating and that’s been borne out throughout the whole of this process.”
UK Council Employee

Get in touch

Call us: 0344 947 1710

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Business Sales and Enquiries - weekdays 8.00am - 5.30pm

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