The business supply sweet treats to sixteen different stockists and market locations throughout Central London, leading to short and frequent drop-offs in a very busy area. This results in the business accruing hundreds of pounds each day in Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and congestion charge zone charges.
Electric vehicles were added to the fleet, these included 7 Peugeot e-Experts and 2 Mercedes e-Sprinters.
The business also utilised the Northgate Vehicle Inspection App to easily monitor the condition of the Northgate vehicles they hired. This 100% paperless process allows necessary work to be scheduled swiftly and with no hassle. Via the App, records are electronically stored, reducing admin costs and providing 24/7 access to inspection checks. With dash cams and live vehicle tracking, Northgate Telematics has been utilised to improve safety for the business’ drivers. The accessible platform provides instant fleet insights, proving useful when improving driver behaviour.
The business opted to use the Northgate Allstar One Electric Card for all 9 electric vehicles, providing access to charge points, while the business also chose to utilise Northgate’s Vehicle Maintenance service for their own 6 vehicles.
- A range of flexible hire options available to suit your business needs
- Full service and maintenance included
- Electric Vehicle Driver Risk Management training included
- 100% paperless vehicle checks with the Northgate Inspection App
- Increased productivity and improved driver behaviour with Northgate Telematics and dash cams
Access to a fleet of 50,000
ICE and electric vehicles from
manufacturers when they need it.

We realised our vision for the electrification of our transport when we began to work with Northgate just over a year ago. It was a crucial move in order to become a zero-carbon business and it held a lot of benefits. Going green gave us massive cost savings, especially after the pandemic. Northgate played a massive part by being very helpful, with advice and support from a fantastic team.Fleet Manager